Mergers and acquisitions are a common practice for...
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For those of you old enough to remember, “standard” management techniques were quite different...
The Virtue of Patience in Management: 4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Giving Time to New Processes
In the business world, change is constant. Now, how we deal with that change as a business is what...
In Private Equity (PE) transactions, certainty matters. Accurate budget and timeline estimates for...
In the world of private equity, ERP system carve-outs have become increasingly prevalent as a...
In the complex landscape of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), data migration assumes a pivotal...
In the realm of data migration, separation, or merger projects, the term "project landscape"...
A critical step in separating an acquired business unit (NewCo) from its current organization...
Preparing for an IT Separation OR Merger?
Fission was built to support private equity firms and enterprise clients as they work through common — yet critical — IT project challenges.